All elections are very important and this one is no different. Don't forget to get out and vote on these issues on November 3rd! Use your voice and vote!
-State Issue 1 authorizes the state to issue bonds to compensate veterans of the Afghanistan, Iraq and Persian Gulf conflicts.
-State Issue 2 calls for the creation of an Ohio Livestock Standards Board.
-State Issue 3 calls for casinos in four Ohio cities, with tax revenues distributed to all counties.
-City of Marysville: Four amendments to the City Charter
-Marysville 2 Local Option: Sunday wine, mixed beverage and liquor sales at Old Bag of Nails Pub
-Marysville 12 Local Option: Sunday wine and mixed beverage sales at Walmart Supercenter
-City of Marysville: tax levy increase of 0.5 percent in the municipal income tax, total 1.5 percent.
-Marysville Exempted Village Schools: tax levy renewal of 6.56 mills over 5 years for current operating expenses.
-Union County: additional tax levy of 0.5 mills over 5 years for continued operation of mental health and recovery services and facilities.
-Union County: tax levy renewal of 2.4 mills over 6 years for the operation and construction of mental retardation and developmental disabilities facilities.
-Village of Magnetic Springs: additional tax levy of 5 mills over 5 years for current operating expenses.
-Claiborne Township: tax levy replacement of 1 mills over 5 years for cemetery operation.
-Paris Township unincorporated: tax levy renewal of 4.6 mills over 3 years for fire protection.
-Washington Township: tax levy replacement of 1.8 mills over 5 years for current operating expenses.
-Pleasant Valley Joint Fire District: tax levy replacement of 10 mills over 5 years for fire and emergency medical service in Madison and Union counties.
-Triad Local School District: 0.5 percent income tax renewal over 5 years for current operating expenses.
-Ben Logan Local School District: tax increase of 2 mills for permanent improvements.
-Marysville City Council-at-Large: Henk Berbee, John Gore, Mark Reams
-Marysville City Law Director: Tim M. Aslaner, Alison Boggs
-Milford Center Village Council: Tom Barnhardt, Tracey Chippas, Ed Heckathorn
-Magnetic Springs Village Mayor: Martha K. Cantrell
-Magnetic Springs Village Council: Dean E. Bowsher Sr., Tanya A. Knipp
-Plain City Village Council: Mark E. Hostetler, James W. Moore, Douglas Saxour
-Richwood Village Council: Jennifer Huff, George E. Showalter Jr., Peggy Wiley
-Unionville Center Village Council: Mary L. Morris
-Allen Township Trustee: Ron Chapman, Jack Rausch
-Claibourne Township Trustee: Jim Wiley, Joe Wiley
-Darby Township Trustee: Dennis Blumenschein, Roger Davenport
-Dover Township Trustee: Stephen C. Davisson, Barry Moffett, Dan Westlake
-Jerome Township Trustee: Bob Merkle, Andy Thomas
-Jackson Township Trustee: Charles Ehret, Chad B. Oldham, Roger Pitchford, Don E. Wasserbeck
-Leesburg Township Trustee: William R. Lowe, Jeffery Lynn Robinson
-Liberty Township Trustee: Jimmie D. Cellar, Karen Johnson, John L. Miller, Michael Moffett, Dave Thornton
-Millcreek Township Trustee: Keith A. Conroy, Marian Jacques, Bill Jordan
-Paris Township Trustee: Dave Cook, Donald R. Lowe, Steven C. Westlake
-Taylor Township Trustee: Guy L. Green, Connie S. Landon, Ronald W. Steele
-Union Township Trustee: Dick Brake, Gary W. Rife, Rob Thompson
-Washington Township Trustee: Ron R. Jones, Randy G. Sullivan
-Washington Township Fiscal Officer: Judy Eastman, Julia L. Smith
-Washington/Franklin Township Trustee: Denise Franz King, Charles W. Kranstuber
-York Township Trustee: Mike Brake, Judy Christian, Ken Etherington
-Educational Service Center of Central Ohio: Edward A. Bischoff
-Local County Governing Board of Educational Service Center at Large: David H. Campbell, Joe McKirahan, Steven M. Needles
-Benjamin Logan Local School District Board of Education: William N. Ramsey, Jason E. Robson, Keith Stoner
-Fairbanks Local School District Board of Education: Brandon Compton, Kevin Green, Jaynie Lambert, Brian D. Phelps, Doug Phelps
-Jonathan Alder Local School District Board of Education: John Edward Adams II, Mary Jo Boyd, D. Rene Keeney
-Madison/Champaign Educational Service Center Jonathan Alder Local School District: Twyla R. McNamara
-Marysville Exempted Village School District Board of Education: David Bates, Tracy Greer, J. Scott Johnson, Doug Lassiter, Jeffrey A. Mabee, Nan Savidge, Monty Staats, Don Voss, Jeff Wirtz
-North Union Local School District Board of Education: Kevin Crosthwaite, Dennis W. Hall
-Triad Local School District Board of Education: Annette M. Rittenhouse
-Madison Champaign Educational Service Center Triad Local School District: Mary Lee Gecowets
-Marysville City Council - Ward 1: Mike Aquillo, Tracy Richardson